Organizing and Managing Events in Turkey

Organizing and Managing Events in Turkey

4828 Nov 04 2020

What Types of Events and Activities are Organized by IMT Events in Turkey?

Organizing conferences and managing events in Turkey requires good planning, organization and accuracy, as the management and planning of events is one of the most complex and immersive, given the huge number of tasks and procedures to be taken and coordinated in order to provide and complete them, and with regard to the needs of participants and ways to ensure all their comfort and requirements, this is what IMT EVENTS does and the types of events it organizes:

1. Conferences and Seminars

The company organizes various conferences and seminars, whether scientific, economic, political or intellectual conferences and the company takes care of everything from the drafting of conferences and seminars to good planning and well-prepared. We research with the relevant party the objectives they seek to achieve from that event and the nature of the target audience and the expected number of attendees and the budget.

Then we work to provide integrated plans, theoretical and practical engagements, and active follow-up. We choose the name of the conference and the main themes, the location of the conference, the date and duration of the conference, the time and duration, and the photography, production and translation.

2. Training Courses

One of the events that our company pays attention to is the organization of training courses, as many people are interested in organizing training courses to develop themselves and learn about the latest developments.

Our company organises training courses with high outputs in achieving the goals, especially since Turkey is witnessing great development in these areas. Our company has been keen to communicate with various interrelated entities to conduct the required training courses and provide customers with a training experience that combines learning with applied experience.

3. Exhibitions

Our company is interested in organizing various exhibitions in Turkey, through a series of stages that follow to present the summary of the goals, including determining the goals of the exhibition, choosing the city where the exhibition will be held, determining the date, choosing the name of the exhibition, and searching for ideas for its name.

We also work on setting the budget for the exhibition, dealing with the laws and regulations for the establishment of the exhibition until the required permits are issued, coordinating with restaurants to provide meals and food throughout the days of the exhibition, and determining the décor of the exhibition, and sending invitations to the media and press institutions so that everyone knows when its activities will begin.

In the end, we work to create a page for the exhibition on all social media and update it with the exhibition's information, news and events so that we can help spread it and succeed.

What Services Does IMT events Provide in Event Management?

IMT EVENTS is known for its diverse services in organizing conferences and event management, as organizations always need activities to allow them to reach the largest sector of people, introduce their objectives, and coordinate their efforts with other institutions. 

1. Design and Implementation of Projectors and Conference Décor

The design and implementation of conference projectors and decorations are important for organizers, as the design and implementation of projectors and decorations are exquisite arts that need engineering touches; the more compatible and refined the design, the more well-received the exhibition is to be welcomed and trusted by its visitors.

Therefore, our company has paid special attention to organizing conferences, exhibitions and seminars, from A to Z, through a talented and expert team, using the finest devices and accessories suitable for each exhibition, seminar or conference, mainly: modern techniques and appropriate floors, meaningful connotations, to ensure both interesting and comfortable visual outcome.

2. Technical Support: includes lighting and sound systems, projectors and the like

Our company provides lighting, sound and projector services using the most modern equipment suitable for each event, as the organization of conferences differs from organizing exhibitions from the technical aspects related to lighting, sound and the nature of projectors, as well as in its objectives and spaces, so our company takes into account the development of appropriate systems for events in terms of duration, long-term events, short-term events, and other activities depending on the type of event, nature and audience.

3. Processing Visual Identity for Events

One of our services in organizing conferences, seminars, events and exhibitions is the visual identity, as we establish an event website, send leaflets and promotional messages to the public, and secure appropriate media coverage through the audio, visual and news media until the general visual nature of the event is formed.

Visual identity design services also include logo design, paper and business cards, distribution notes to attendees, business cards and external panels, website interface design and e-mail signature, a wall poster, greeting cards, employee uniforms, and advertising gifts.

4. Interpretation

IMT EVENTS services include providing interpretation at conferences, seminars and exhibitions, including Turkish-Arabic, Arabic-Turkish, English-Arabic, and Arabic-English, with the most modern translation devices.


Edited by IMT Events

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